Giovanni Mossi – Sonate

Sonate Opera Prima a Violino e Violone, o Cimbalo

Leila Schayegh (Violine)
Jörg Halubek (Cembalo)
Ilze Grudule (Violoncello)

Pan Classics, 2009


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Leila Schayegh y modèle sensuellement chaque note, comme si elle dégustait la bouchée d’un plat succulent. (…), la Suissesse éblouit par la richesse et l’imagination de son jeu ornemental. (…) Remarquable.

Diapason, février 2010

A fabulous disc

This is a fabulous disc. (…) It was a double pleasure hearing [Leila Schayegh] being herself. Mossi’s Sonatas are surprisingly not that well known. That should change with the arrival of this first class recording of some cracking performances.

Early Music Review, February 2010

It is hard to imagine a better performance than Leila Schayegh, Ilze Grudele and Jörg Halubek are delivering. The playing is technically highly impressive, but also very lively and expressive. … I have thoroughly enjoyed and admired Leila Schayegh’s application of ornamentation in these sonatas which greatly contribute to the captivating character of this recording.

Johan van Veen2010

Sin duda, uno de los mayores descubrimientos de 2009.

Javier Sarría Pueyo, Diverdi, septiembre 2009